Optimised CPU Ray Marching in a Voxel World
This article explains how we optimised our ray marching algorithm that handles collision detection for tens of thousands of particles.

This article explains how we optimised the ray marching algorithm in Sector's Edge that handles collision detection for tens of thousands of particles.
The full source code for this article is available here on GitHub.
The voxel world is divided into groups of 32 x 32 x 32 blocks, each of which are managed by a separate Chunk
class instance. This structure is especially useful for:
- Rendering optimisations, as chunks outside the current viewport can be skipped
- Fast mesh regeneration when blocks in a chunk are changed
- Memory optimisations, as chunks that contain no blocks are left uninitialised
This voxel ray marching algorithm is based on A Fast Voxel Traversal Algorithm for Ray Tracing by John Amanatides and Andrew Woo and has been optimised by keeping block lookups within the current working chunk. As this algorithm is quite long, we will analyse it in sections.
Map Structure
are stored in a three-dimensional array within the Map
class, however Blocks
are stored in a one-dimensional array in the Chunk
for fast lookup:
public class Map
Chunk[,,] chunks;
public class Chunk
const int CHUNK_SIZE = 32;
const int CHUNK_SIZE_SQUARED = 1024;
const int CHUNK_SIZE_CUBED = 32768;
Block[] data = new Block[CHUNK_SIZE_CUBED];
public struct Block
byte kind; // e.g. empty, dirt, metal, etc.
within the Chunk
are accessed as follows:
int access = j + i * CHUNK_SIZE + k * CHUNK_SIZE_SQUARED;
Block b = data[access];
For clarity, i, j and k
refer to chunk-relative positions (range 0-31)
and x, y and z
refer to map-relative positions (range 0-511)
Ray Marching
The problem with the original ray marching algorithm in Sector's Edge was that it worked with map-relative positions. This meant that every time the algorithm checked if a block existed at a specific position, it had to calculate which chunk the block belonged to and then convert the map-relative position to a chunk-relative position:
const int SHIFT = 5;
const int MASK = 0x1f;
public Block GetBlock(int x, int y, int z)
// Get the chunk the block belongs to
var c = chunks[x >> SHIFT, y >> SHIFT, z >> SHIFT];
if (c == null)
return true;
// Bitmask to get the chunk-relative position
return c.data[(y & MASK) +
The new algorithm obtains a reference to the chunk at the beginning of the function and only updates it when the ray enters a new chunk. This chunk is referred to as the current working chunk
The second optimisation was to add two exit checks at the beginning of the function that check if the ray starts outside the map, or if the ray begins and ends at the same map-relative position:
- Exit if the ray starts outside the map bounds as there are no blocks to collide with. There will never be a case where the ray starts outside the map and travels towards the centre of the map
- Exit if the start and end position of the ray both lie on the same coordinate on the voxel grid. This check saves a lot of time for particles, as they are often at rest on the top of a block
The RayMarch(...)
function parameters are as follows:
in Vector3 start
- the start position of the rayVector3 velocity
- the direction of the rayin double max
- the maximum length that the ray can travelref bool hit
- set to true if the ray collides with a solid blockref Axis axis
- set to eitherAxis.X, Axis.Y or Axis.Z
depending on which block face the ray hit
public void RayMarch(in Vector3 start, Vector3 velocity, in double max, ref bool hit, ref Axis axis)
// Convert the start position to integer voxel coordinates
int x = (int)start.X;
int y = (int)start.Y;
int z = (int)start.Z;
// If the start coordinate is outside the map, there is nothing to hit.
if (y < 0 || y >= Constants.MAP_SIZE_Y ||
x < 0 || x >= Constants.MAP_SIZE_X ||
z < 0 || z >= Constants.MAP_SIZE_Z)
hit = false;
// Determine the index of the current working chunk in the Map by
// bit-shifting the map-relative block coordinates
int chunkIndexX = x >> 5;
int chunkIndexY = y >> 5;
int chunkIndexZ = z >> 5;
// Get a reference to the current working chunk
var c = chunks[chunkIndexX, chunkIndexY, chunkIndexZ];
// Determine the chunk-relative position of the ray with a bit-mask
int i = x & 0x1f;
int j = y & 0x1f;
int k = z & 0x1f;
// Calculate the access position of this block in the Chunk's data[] array
int access = j + i * Constants.CHUNK_SIZE + k * Constants.CHUNK_SIZE_SQUARED;
// Calculate the end position of the ray
var end = start + velocity;
// If the start and end positions of the ray both lie on the same coordinate on the voxel grid
if (x == (int)end.X && y == (int)end.Y && z == (int)end.Z)
// The chunk is null if it contains no blocks
if (c == null)
hit = false;
// If the block is empty
else if (c.data[access].kind == 0)
hit = false;
// Else the ray begins and ends within the same non-empty block
hit = true;
After this stage we can confirm that the ray will start and end at different voxel coordinates and therefore a ray march is required. To improve ray marching efficiency, we pre-calculate the following variables:
// These variables are used to determine whether the ray has left the current working chunk.
// For example when travelling in the negative Y direction,
// if j == -1 then we have left the current working chunk
int iComparison, jComparison, kComparison;
// When leaving the current working chunk, the chunk-relative position must be reset.
// For example when travelling in the negative Y direction,
// j should be reset to CHUNK_SIZE - 1 when entering the new current working chunk
int iReset, jReset, kReset;
// When leaving the current working chunk, the access variable must also be updated.
// These values store how much to add or subtract from the access, depending on
// the direction of the ray:
int xAccessReset, yAccessReset, zAccessReset;
// The amount to increase i, j and k in each axis (either 1 or -1)
int iStep, jStep, kStep;
// When incrementing j, the chunk access is simply increased by 1
// When incrementing i, the chunk access is increased by 32 (CHUNK_SIZE)
// When incrementing k, the chunk access is increased by 1024 (CHUNK_SIZE_SQUARED)
// These variables store whether to increase or decrease by the above amounts
int xAccessIncrement, zAccessIncrement;
// The distance to the closest voxel boundary in map units
double xDist, yDist, zDist;
if (velocity.Y > 0)
jStep = 1;
jComparison = Constants.CHUNK_SIZE;
jReset = 0;
yAccessReset = -Constants.CHUNK_SIZE;
yDist = (y - start.Y + 1);
jStep = -1;
jComparison = -1;
jReset = Constants.CHUNK_SIZE - 1;
yAccessReset = Constants.CHUNK_SIZE;
yDist = (start.Y - y);
// Same for velocity.X and velocity.Z
// This variable stores the current progress throughout the ray march
double t = 0.0;
double xInverted = Math.Abs(1 / velocity.X);
double yInverted = Math.Abs(1 / velocity.Y);
double zInverted = Math.Abs(1 / velocity.Z);
// Determine the distance to the closest voxel boundary in units of t
// - These values indicate how far we have to travel along the ray to reach the next voxel
// - If any component of the direction is perpendicular to an axis, the distance is double.PositiveInfinity
double xDistance = velocity.X == 0 ? double.PositiveInfinity : xInverted * xDist;
double yDistance = velocity.Y == 0 ? double.PositiveInfinity : yInverted * yDist;
double zDistance = velocity.Z == 0 ? double.PositiveInfinity : zInverted * zDist;
The algorithm then runs in a loop until either:
has reached themax
length of the ray- a non-empty block is found
- the ray exits the map
while (t <= max)
// Exit when we find a non-empty block
if (c != null && c.data[access].kind != 0)
hit = true;
// Determine the closest voxel boundary
if (yDistance < xDistance)
if (yDistance < zDistance)
// Advance to the closest voxel boundary in the Y direction
// Increment the chunk-relative position and the block access position
j += jStep;
access += jStep;
// Check if we have exited the current working chunk.
// This means that j is either -1 or 32
if (j == jComparison)
// If moving in the positive direction, reset j to 0.
// If moving in the negative Y direction, reset j to 31
j = jReset;
// Reset the chunk access
access += yAccessReset;
// Calculate the new chunk index
chunkIndexY += jStep;
// If the new chunk is outside the map, exit
if (chunkIndexY < 0 || chunkIndexY >= Constants.CHUNK_AMOUNT_Y)
hit = false;
// Get a reference to the new working chunk
c = chunks[chunkIndexX, chunkIndexY, chunkIndexZ];
// Update our progress in the ray
t = yDistance;
// Set the new distance to the next voxel Y boundary
yDistance += yInverted;
// For collision purposes we also store the last axis that the ray collided with
// This allows us to reflect particle velocity on the correct axis
axis = Axis.Y;
// Advance to the closest voxel boundary in the Z direction
else if (xDistance < zDistance)
// Advance to the closest voxel boundary in the X direction
// Advance to the closest voxel boundary in the Z direction
The following benchmarks were run on a Ryzen 5 1600 CPU.
The average particle collision ray march in Sector's Edge travels 1-10 blocks and takes 250 nanoseconds to run. At 60 frames per second, this allows for 64000 rays per frame per thread.
For stress testing, 100,000 rays were cast in random directions across the map. The average ray length was 200-400 blocks and takes 3400 nanoseconds to run. At 60 frames per second, this allows for 4700 rays per frame per thread.
In Practice
The full source code for this article is available here on GitHub.
In Sector's Edge, ray marching is required for particle collisions and hit detection between projectiles and the map. See it in action in our latest video below: